Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Hello Kentucky!

Elder Mattinson arrived safe and sound in Louisville, Kentucky on Monday November 28th!  I had a quick 90 second call from him at the Atlanta Airport.  No payphones means a quick call from someone's desk phone.  We were surprised and relieved to get another quick call from the mission home on Monday night.  It was so good to hear his voice!!

Right after the call from the Atlanta Airport I received this picture along with a text that said, "Saw these handsome Elders in the Atlanta airport.  They send their love!"  Yes, lots of tears were shed!

We had a sweet email from President and Sister Brough this morning.  Elder Mattinson is with his trainer and his P-Day will be on Monday.  They also sent pictures of him with his mission president and wife and with his trainer.  I'm so grateful for technology!  These pictures and messages really help to calm a mother's heart!

One last picture!  This came from a Missionary Moms Facebook page.  These are some of the new elders being trained in the mission home Monday afternoon.  Tender mercies! 

Friday, November 25, 2016

Happy Late Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving was fun, Neil L. Anderson spoke about
thankfulness, and then we did a service project with Feeding Children Everywhere,
where we made meals for hungry kids, it was great!

We invited both our TRCs to come to church, and they said yes! (They both may
already be members, but it still was pretty cool.) Thanks for taking Old Blue to Joel's,
I really appreciate it.

We have an hour layover in Georgia, and I'll have to go find the papers with our flight
number & stuff later.

I figure I ought to share a scripture, so here's a good one, Zechariah 5:1-2 It's got a
few chuckles between our district.

Thanks for everything, Love you guys!
Elder Mattinson

P.S.send some pictures of Sue, I miss her :(

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Weekly email!

Hey everyone!

Things are going great so far here in the MTC! (other than getting up at 6:30) 
I know it's only been a week, but I've already learned so much, and my testimony 
has grown immensely!

My companion, Elder Cole, is a great guy, and our District already is so close! 
We've started teaching TRCs (Investigators from BYU, who sign up to be taught), 
and so far, we have two. Sam, who's a war veteran from Polynesia, and Adam, 
a College student from Florida. Both are very willing to learn, and are growing in 
spirit with every lesson. 

Also, some Polynesians dropped a firecracker down the stairwell a few nights ago, 
it was pretty funny.

Anyways, tell Syd, Em, and Kens that I love them, and God loves them too.
Also, tell Grandma Gerry that Sister Bitner says hi!

Elder Mattinson

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Not Dead! (Nov. 9, 2016)

Hey, just wanted to say a quick hello to everyone!
My P-day is Thursday, so from now on, I'll be answering then. 
Things are going good so far, a lot to take in though. First day,
worst day, right?

I'll write more when I've got a chance, just know I love you all!

Elder Jaden Mattinson 

Goodbye - We Love You!

Jaden was set apart as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Tuesday November 8, 2016 by President Kurt Case.  It was a beautiful experience and he was promised some amazing things as he remains obedient.  It was a very emotional start to the next few days.

Wednesday November 9th was the big MTC drop off day.  I have such a new respect for every parent that sends a missionary out.  I literally feel like I'm missing a little part of my heart.  What a whirlwind of emotions!  Happy, sad, proud, grateful...  I could go on and on.  I know Jaden will make a great missionary.  I'm so excited for his opportunity to learn and grow, to serve others and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.