Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Counting down to Sunday

Good Morning!

     Our week has flown by too! Sister King was super nice, apparently she asked you what I like, and made Mac & Cheese, and Pumpkin Pie. Very nice! We’re planning a District P-day, next week. We’re going to have a Sports & Board game day. We’re excited. Our mission goes to Corbin Kentucky, that’s a bout as far as it goes.

     We did a bunch of service this week, we helped a woman move into our area, from Lexington. She’s talked with the missionaries for quite a while, and seems to like us. Hopefully that goes well! I’m excited for Sunday! I still don’t have an exact time, but around 4-5 your time is the most likely. I hope you have a good week, I love you!

Elder Mattinson

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Sick week, service week!

Good morning! 

     We had a really good week, asides from me having a head-cold. No fun, but that’s life, right?  We did loads of service this week, we helped clean out a greenhouse, helped set up a greenhouse (that’s where the cute Australian Shepherd puppies were) and helped stack wood. We also met Alex, a referral from temple square. He visited Salt Lake on a work trip, and wanted to learn more. We taught the first lesson, and it went well, he had a lot of questions. He’ll hopefully be coming to church this week.

     Berea’s a good town, with a good ward. We taught combined 3rd hour yesterday, talking about member- missionary work. I shared the story about Regina, it went really well! Our church is 1-4 as well, but with time zones, that’s more like 3-6 for you. I’ll give you a time next week.  Well, I hope you have a good week, I love you!

Elder Mattinson