Wednesday, May 10, 2017

No Longer a Greenie!


I don't  know why that Email didn't send last week, kind of weird. Elder McIntosh has been sick 
all this week, but we've been blessed with several new investigators! I swear, they all just kind 
of showed up from nowhere. It's awesome. I should be able to talk at about 4 your time, I'm 
excited to see you all again! 

Gone With The Wind

     Hello! Things have been pretty good this week (asides from the humidity, it stinks) it's been
 pretty  warm, with a lot of rain. According to our mission president, the Derby is a complete 
booze-fest, so missionaries aren't allowed to go. I think thunder over Louisville is the only thing 
missionaries outside of Louisville can go to, anyhow.

     Like that video showed, we had a Tornado warning Saturday morning. The sky turned green,
it was crazy! Rules state missionaries can't proselyte during that kind of weather, so we went to
go do some service at the YMCA. That wound up getting cancelled as well, for fear of flooding. 
😕 Thankfully, some good came out of the day, we met a girl who needed help moving, so we 
jumped on the opportunity. The senior couple, and a couple from the Branch came as well. Turns 
out, that she was a senior in High school, who moved out on her own, because her parents were 
both drug- addicts. I can't imagine having to do something like that.  The Senior couple, and 
couple from the branch took her to Walmart, and got her some food, and appliances, so she's 
doing better. She seems very interested, so we're exited! If you can, please pray for her.

     I don't understand how I'm already hitting 6-months, it's freaking me out a bit. 

     That's about all I can think of, thank you again! I should be able to talk around 4:00 your time, 
on mother's day!

Anyhow, have a good week!

Elder Mattinson