Monday, September 25, 2017

Good afternoon! First things first, Elder Olsen's from St. Louis, Missouri, and he's been out a month less than I have. Our week's been pretty good, Trying to get Elder Olsen Acclimated with the area. Summer's decided to stay a bit longer out here, It's been in the 80's all week. It's good to hear that everything went well with Lindsay, and Addison. She looks pretty cute! Also great to hear that Riley got baptized! We've been working on inviting less actives to watch Conference at the church with us, this weekend, so far, so good, we already have 3 planning on coming! We also got in contact with Shanda again, We're going to work on teaching her again, maybe a bit slower this time, ha ha. 

     I totally forgot to mention last week, with how crazy things were, but we had a mission conference with Elders Clayton, and Taylor, of the Seventy, and their Wives, on the 12th. It was amazing! They all had such great Advice, and guidance for us, and such powerful testimonies. I also got a picture with Elder Clayton, even though I look a bit out of place, in it. 

     I also got your letter, last Tuesday. Clark County, one of the places they lived is about 30 Miles from our area! It's so cool, that I have ancestors, who lived in this area. 

Before I go, I wanted to thank You and Dad for All your Sacrifices, so that I could come out here. I Feel Like I've learned and grown so much out here, and I wouldn't ever have been able to make it, without your selfless support, and love. Thank you.

I love you so much, Have a great week!

Elder Mattinson.

Photo with Elder Clayton of the 70!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Minor Setbacks...

Good Afternoon! So sad news, the Baptism was cancelled.  Shanda struggles a lot with anxiety, and wasn't as committed as she let on. Her Grandfather's taking her to the hospital, to hopefully get more helpful medicine. Hopefully one day she'll get baptized. As for transfers, I'm staying another transfer in Scottsburg, with a Elder Olsen. Sounds like a pretty cool guy. Sorry about leading everyone on about the Baptism. Other than that, just helping Elder Williams get ready to go home. I'll be praying for Lindsay, and Alison(?) and you all too! Have a good week, I love you!

Elder Mattinson

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

I got a fever, and the only prescription is more Pumpkin

Good afternoon! We've had a pretty eventful week, here in Scottsburg! We've been preparing for the baptism, and we also had a chance to go out with the Branch President for a day! He's super dedicated to helping us, so that's really helped kick the Branch into gear. We made a surprise trip to Madison yesterday, to catch an investigator for an appointment, before he went to work, so that was fun. We're making a no-bake Cheesecake today, I'll have to send a picture, once we make it. 

Transfers are next Tuesday, and it's up in the air, if I stay or go. Should be fun, either way. Anyhow, happy anniversary, love you, stay safe!

Elder Mattinson

Cool find in the Madison ward building.

Crazy Weather in the Cornfields

(Sep 5, 2017)

Good afternoon, sorry about the short notice yesterday!  The weather's been crazy, this week! We had the temp drop to 50 degrees friday, and it's been fluxuating since. We spent a good chunk of labor day helping an investigator restore an old porch swing, so that was fun! I've been hesitant  to bring this up, because I've been worried that something would go wrong if I did, but we potentially have a baptism coming up! Her name is Shanda, and she's the Granddaughter of a less active, that we've been working with. She struggles with an emotional disbalance, but I can see already how much the gospel's helped her. We're planning on having it the 16th, but now that I've said it, everything that can come up, will.😁We'll do our best to push through it. I'll keep you updated, love you!

Elder Mattinson
(Aug 28, 2017)

Good Morning! Hopefully your ears aren't still ringing from the sisters! We've had a eventful week. We're taking over a Sister's area north of us, because they're going home early for school. It's going to be pretty interesting. My companion's going home at the end of this transfer, so it's been an interesting time. Thankfully, he's still focused on the work, not trunked out.  Also, can you please explain that last picture? It looks like Brother Mahoney Kissing Brother Baumgarten in a batsuit, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, I'll be praying for you all, and your Miamaid, have a good week!

Elder Mattinson

Big Trouble Little MTC

(Aug 21.2017)

Morning! So, I'm the worst child of all time! (Happy late birthday) I swear I set a calendar event to remind me, and it never went off. So this last Saturday was the mini MTC for our stake, and it was great! Different missionaries had rooms set up for things like exercise, and dress and grooming, and ours was for spiritual prep. We made a short iron rod activity, and taught about how the kids could prepare for a mission. It was loads of fun, and I think it really helped the kids understand more about missionary life. I still remember looking up to the missionaries as a kid. Other than that, the week was super busy, with loads of meetings. Hopefully Syd will come out of the basement again, and hopefully these sisters are easier to cook for. I love you, have a good week!

Elder Mattinson

Eclipse Pics!